Friday, November 7, 2008

Send Them Bois Noodlin'!!!

Noodlin' is a Hick sport... in case you don't know what a hick is another name is redneck or hillbilly or country folk that live in the sticks and have to entertain themselves so they come up with odd sports like.... Noodlin'...

Noodlin' is catching catfish using rope with a hook on it & the spiffy noodle (rope) is tied to your arm, the middle of your forearm... halfway between ur wrist and your elbow. A strong hook is tied to the other end of the noodle and you're going to use your thumb and forefinger to hold the hook then wiggle your finger after sticking your whole arm, possibly up to your shoulder or depending on the depth, your whole body under the water into the rock crevice up under the embankment to catch the catfish, usually male. Once you feel the catfish clamp his jaws around your hand, release the hook and make sure you've got your body clear of the hook as you and your four friends pull the catfish up out of the bottom of the riverbed or pond embankment!!

You've just noodled your first catfish! Probably...Unless you're an internet hick hehe in which case I say howdddyyyy!! how's you? Please comment... comment... oh go look it up. hehe

Take care,
Marjie May
aka LovedMay

Me Put the MI in randoMIzation

Well I did. Oooh this is neat font...Verdana. Backwards its anadrev.. mmhm just like stressed backwards iz desserts and
dressed backwards iz desserd

I see you smiling even if itz just the corner of your mouth lifting a bit! You now see why I say this is random...but whats with the MI you ask? Iz she from MIchigan? (nope..) Does she love to use Spanish randomly in her English language?

OMG [o mi gosh] who are you? How did you know that? What? Oh I asked that in my blog post? okies... I guess I won't freak out just yet.

No Don't walk off! I'm almost done.

Take care (see i done :-D )

Hasta Lavista,
Margarita Mayo Pearsona ;)
aka Silly
aka May
aka Sissy
aka Baby
aka Lil Sis
aka weirdo
aka unique
aka Marjie